Buchpräsentation: Natascha Kampusch liest aus „10 Jahre Freiheit“

Natascha Kampusch

Am Mittwoch, den 17. August 2016 liest Natascha Kampusch ausgewählte Passagen aus ihrem neuen Buch „10 Jahre Freiheit“. Die Lesung können alle Interessenten ab 19h kostenlos in der Thalia-Filiale Landstraße (1030 Wien) besuchen.

Comments (2)

  • Hi Natascha,

    I work for a talk show here in Dublin, Ireland. I read an article about your book on thejournal.ie and I was wondering if you would be available to talk to our show about your story?

    I can set up a phone interview for you if that would work? Just let me know if there is a specific day or time that would work best for yourself.

    Thank you for your time

    • Dusan Uzelac

      Hi Charlotte,
      we are the Team of Natascha Kampusch.
      Please send us the inquiry to: office@diamond-age.at
      regards, NK-Team

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